6 EASY Self-Guided Candid Meditation Tips (for Beginners)

Self-guided meditation is a type of meditation practice in which a person meditates alone without the guidance of a teacher or instructor. It involves focusing on our breath, visualization of peaceful imagery, repetition of a mantra, or using meditation recordings. The practice is intended to promote relaxation, calmness, and a sense of well-being. I have created a beginner's guide for meditation enthusiasts to start your journey today itself!


Here are 6 tips for self-guided meditation

Find a quiet and comfortable space:
Find a quiet and peaceful space where you won't be disturbed. Make sure the space is comfortable, and you can sit or lie down without any discomfort. It may be your home office, study room, garage, attic doesn't matter just pick a place where you feel you can be alone comfortably.

Set a timer

Set a timer for the amount of time you want to meditate. This will help you stay focused and avoid distractions. But don't get discouraged if you are unable to focus even for a minute. It happens to everyone in the beginning, as you practice everyday you will eventually reach your goal time.

Focus on your breath
Focus on your breath and pay attention to the sensation of air moving in and out of your body. Feel the positive energy is being inhaled and negativity, worries are exhaled by you each and every breath. Try to let go of any thoughts or distractions that come to your mind. Again, please understand that, you cannot master these techniques in one or two meditation sessions so keep going and practice everyday.

Visualize a peaceful image
Visualize a peaceful image or scene that helps you feel relaxed and calm. You may imagine petting your dog or cat, or playing with your toddler, or hanging out with your friends. You can imagine a beautiful beach, a peaceful forest, or any other place that brings you peace. TIP: If while imagining such scenarios you find yourself being sad or gloomy for something you remembered that embarrassed you, dont worry, just remind yourself that you're in your safe space right now and inner peace is all you need to keep a healthy mind.


Repeat a mantra
Choose a simple word or phrase that has a positive meaning for you and repeat it to yourself during the meditation. This will help you stay focused and calm. This maybe related your religious beliefs or something you've recently learned.

Use guided meditation recordings
You can also use guided meditation recordings that provide instructions and guidance during the meditation. You can find many free guided meditations online or through meditation apps. In my opinion, research a few topics or affirmations online and make a recording of your own voice, this helps your mind become focused on your own voice rather than depending on someone else's.

Remember that meditation is a practice, and it takes time and patience to develop. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice. Again, don't worry if you failed to concentrate everyday in first few weeks, its a normal thing to experience. Remember, when you learned how to talk and form correct grammatical sentences as a child? did it happen in a day or a week or a month? (if you answered yes to any of these three then I envy you HAHA!) it took you some time right? So give yourself some time to learn and I know you'll eventually get there for sure!


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